Stray Bodies

Robin is pregnant, but does not wish to become a mother. Katerina is not able to have a child, even though she wants to. Kiki's sole desire is to end her life with dignity. Unfortunately, abortion, in vitro fertilization and euthanasia are not legal in their respective countries. Stray Bodies explores the notion of body autonomy within Europe, a place where you are allowed to travel, work and consume freely, but not necessarily to live or die according to your wishes.

Director: Elina Psykou

Producer: Antigoni Rota, Ivan Madeo, Marco Visalberghi, Veselka Kiryakova

Co Producer: Anemon, Frenel, Long Run Productions, ΕRΤ SA, RSI Radiotelevisione Svizzera / SRG SSR

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Production Company: Jungle Films, Contrast, DocLab, Red Carpet
Duration: 109 min.
Country of Production: Greece, Switzerland, Italy, Bulgaria

Shooting Format: 4K
Language: English, German, French, Italian, Greek, Matlese
Subtitles: English

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Human Interest & Social Issues, Politics