Once Upon a Boy
Ron is intelligent, charming and full of life, but every day, his movements are increasingly limited by cerebral palsy. This, while he watches his identical twin run and play soccer with their brother. The film follows this remarkable family's struggles as the parents do everything in their power to raise three children who are happy with their lot, despite the unfathomable gap between them. A daring trip to the US to undergo a complex surgery to halt the progress of the disease reveals different approaches to life as well as the incredible power to live with one's fate.
Director: Uri Levi
Producer: Uri Levi
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Production Company: Uri Levi
Duration: 66 min.
,60 min.
Date of Release: 23.5.19
Country of Production: ISRAEL
Shooting Format:
Hebrew, English
Hebrew, English
Involved Broadcasters
yes Docu – DBS Satellite Service