Lost Angeles – Documentary Musical


In the past 30 years, Yossef Khourie has worked in the chaotic watchmaker’s shop he inherited from his father. Yosef was the town genius, but his hometown was no place for genius children; Today he is 60, with mounting debts and looming local elections he decides it's time. Against all odds he decides to run for office as a one-man party, to right wrongs and give Kiryat Malachi a future. But there is still one more obstacle Yosef has to pass: receiving his father's Victor blessing. Yosef’s journey is accompanied by singers, musicians, and dancers – a “Greek Chorus” They give Yosef and the town a musical identity, waking it from its coma, turning it momentarily into its twin city, Los Angeles. Maybe Yosef will one day make that a reality...


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Production Company: Daroma Productiona
Duration: 76 min.
Date of Release: 30/05/2022
Country of Production: Israel

Shooting Format: 4K
Language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English

Festivals & Awards

  • Docaviv 2022
    Israeli Competition

Involved Broadcasters

Reshet – Channel 2

Involved Institutions and Other Financiers

The New Fund for Cinema and TV, The Israeli Lottery Council for Culture and Arts, MiDarom Film Fund – Films from the South of Israel


Creative Documentary, Entertainment, Human Interest & Social Issues, Politics, Social Issues