In Case You’re Still Around

Not everyone has time to die. Yael did. The director met her ten years after their first encounter, after which they drifted apart. Now, as a new, scared patient in the Oncology ward, Yael, an old hand, showed her a way through the darkness. Yael didn’t use her time for ‘bigger than life’ experiences. Rather, she dived head first into the depths of the soul, and took a long, clear look at the fear of death. What she saw there, she passed on to Mia her daughter and Rani her partner, who are left to continue their lives. The film moves between then and now, between life and death, where there is clarity to see what is important.

Producer: Itai Tamir, Ami Livne


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Production Company: Laila Films
Duration: 67 min.
Date of Release: 05/2022
Country of Production: Israel

Shooting Format: 4K
Language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English


Personal Stories, Spirituality, Women Stories