Irena Taskovski

Sales Agent

United Kingdom
Company Info

Company Name: Taskovski Films

Type: Sales Agent

Company Description: CEO & founder of Taskovski Films  network London based  world sales & production company with offices across Europe. Irena is working as film consultant / expert on marketing, sales, financing and festivals for many film institutions e.g. HBO Europe, TRT world, Asian Cinema Fund, Dok.incubator CZ, Sources Germany, and Head Tutor at Emerging Producers – at Ji.hlava IDFF CZ. Founder of the training program initiative art of creative producing and distribution ” Film Academy for Conscious Creative leaders and film residencies.
Irena studied in Prague, graduating from FAMU. She also studied at the Sam Spiegel Film and TV School in Jerusalem and obtained a Master’s degree from the National Film & Television School in London, UK. Mother of 7 years old son.