Company Info
Company Name: France Télévisions
Type: TV Network
Company Description: France Télévisions is the French national public television broadcaster. It is a state-owned company formed from the integration of the public television channels France 2 (formerly Antenne 2) and France 3 (formerly France Régions 3), later joined by the legally independent channels France 4 (formerly Festival), France 5 (formerly La Cinquième) and France Info.
France Télévisions is currently funded by the revenue from television licence fees
Recent Titles
- Far Side of the Moon 1x90’ (LCPB and Camera Lucida)
- The Golden Thread 1x90' (Raintree Films)
- Green Planet 5x50' (BBC Studios)
Looking For
- Arts & Culture
- Human Interest
- Geopolitics
- History
- Science & Knowledge
- Investigation
- Current Affairs
- Nature
- Feature length
- Series
- One-offs
- More than 52’